Sound show

Hear people die

Meet the community that wants to hear death as it happens.

Sound show

Hear people die

Meet the community that wants to hear death as it happens.
Sound show

Hear people die

Meet the community that wants to hear death as it happens.

There is a lot of gore content on the internet and always has been, all the way back to when launched in 1997. Today those seeking out shock, blood, and gore have a wide spread of sources to pull from. I recently discovered an interesting subset of gore culture that I had never encountered before, however: death audio. Just a heads up before you continue: This post and podcast contain graphic descriptions of violence.

There is an introductory post pinned to the top of the subreddit r/hearpeopledie. It reads, in part, "We're all here for the same thing, to enjoy particularly poignant audio of death. Be that the gasp of last breaths, the gurgle of a slit throat, agonizing moans of someone shot/stabbed, the mourning of a loved one, even 911 calls/black box recordings preceding the immediacy of death. As long as these things are particularly notable, we would love to hear them."

Hearpeopledie is an offshoot of a subreddit called watchpeopledie, which is for videos of graphic violence. Audio, however, is a little more hardcore.

The clips on r/hearpeopledie range from quiet moments of legal assisted suicide to the violent death of someone being hit by a car. I wanted to understand why people listen to these recordings, and what draws some gore fans to audio in particular.

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