unpaid shills

You don't have to repeat a PR lie

Just say the truth or don't say anything.

unpaid shills

You don't have to repeat a PR lie

Just say the truth or don't say anything.
unpaid shills

You don't have to repeat a PR lie

Just say the truth or don't say anything.

Words don't mean anything anymore and the world is a terrifying nightmare from which we have no reprieve. Because of this, it's easy to assume that nothing matters and fuck it. However, it's worth remembering that if you are in a position to repeat a lie that you've received in a press release or have seen on another website: You don't have to repeat the lie, even if it is a lie that sounds quite shocking.

It’s true!

For example, there is a lie going around right now about an upcoming Russian reality show called Game2: Winter. The show will strand 30 male and female contestants in a remote forest in treacherous weather, surrounded by treacherous wildlife, and there they will compete for a $1.6M prize. There is also this aspect of the show, from Deadline:

"The official ad for the show says 'Each contestant gives consent that they could be maimed, even killed. 2000 cameras, 900 hectares and 30 lives.'

The rules say 'Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything.'"

Oh my god. Quite shocking. I can't belive they're just going to let them rape and murder people with no punishment as if it is the United States and they are either the president or cops. But—oh, wait what? Hm? Oh, yes. Then also this, still from Deadline: "According to local reports, participants are nevertheless warned that the police will come and take them away should they commit crimes. 'We are on the territory of Russia, and obey the laws of the Russian Federation.'”

Seems like it's pretty much the same amount of allowed as ever.

And yet:


"Russian survivalist reality show will 'permit' its contestants to rape and murder each other"

"So, Russia is Doing a Hunger Games-Style Reality Show that ‘Allows’ Rape and Murder"

"Russian reality TV show Game2: Winter to 'allow' rape and murder in Siberia"


According to a report from Vocativ, the rape-and-murder detail was added after an initial press push for a Survivor-type show went largely unnoticed. That sexier advertisement is the source of the "everything is allowed" quote used in each outlet shouting about the potential rape and murder in their headlines.

This is misleading. The show may not even be real. But the lesson is real: If something wants you to spread a salacious PR lie about it, you can, and should, decline. They're not even paying you, damn.