Side Note

Tech giants to Congress: “lol sorry had a thing”

welcome to hell

welcome to hell

Congress’s Thursday morning hearing on the “filtering practices of social media platforms” was the most cringeworthy and anxiety-inducing two and a half hours of government-approved television imaginable.

Especially because you can learn basically everything you need to know about what went on from the above photo. Facebook, Twitter, and Google all chose to skip the hearing, without explanation (none returned requests for comment), leaving it to become an echo chamber of conservative outrage.

As the mere idea of political censorship by the left is political catnip to the right, Republican members of the House leapt at the chance to invite Diamond and Silk, a pair of conservative YouTubers, along with Facebook, Twitter, and Google, to testify before a joint House session in order to finally bring the Big Bad Leftists of Silicon Valley to justice. Though the hearing was ostensibly about “social media filtering” (whatever that means), it was actually centered almost exclusively around whether conservatives are, in fact being “censored” online (something that is literally not possible, but we digress).

Diamond and Silk, whose real names are Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, were asked repeatedly to substantiate their claims that Facebook had engaged in anything remotely resembling a targeted campaign of censorship toward them. They failed to do so, but may have perjured themselves in the process.

Facebook, Google, and Twitter bailed last minute on the hearing about social media “filtering practices.”