
Trump is assembling a cabinet of supervillains

We’re doomed.


Trump is assembling a cabinet of supervillains

We’re doomed.

Trump is assembling a cabinet of supervillains

We’re doomed.

President-elect and racist demagogue Donald Trump is assembling a team of some of America's worst to help him run this sinking ship.

Get to know some of them. Or don't.

Steve Bannon.

Steve Bannon.

He’s appointed Stephen Bannon, a white supremacist, as his chief policy advisor. In his defense, Kellyanne Conway says, “He has got a Harvard business degree. He’s a naval officer. He has success in entertainment.” According to court documents, his ex-wife claims he choked her and didn’t want their kids to go to a school because of its Jewish student population.

Reince Priebus

Reince Priebus

Reince Priebus, who once had to salvage what little trust the GOP had in Trump, will soon run the staff in the White House. Or the penthouse of Trump Tower. Or the simulcast Trump Tower Oval Office. He comes off as fairly sane and chill in this company, which is saying something.

Sen. Jeff Sessions.

Sen. Jeff Sessions.

Sen. Jeff Sessions — his potential secretary of defense whose deep-rooted racism is only the beginning of his long lists of faults — was in favor of invading Iraq and opposed to the DREAM Act, the repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, and was against increasing Veteran funding. If his clear opposition toward minorities and human beings didn't already prove him to be a bigot, we don’t know what will.

Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich — who is being considered for secretary of state — has been in the mix for some time. Newt believes waterboarding is not a form of torture, he’s advocated for putting poor children to work (cc: child labor laws), he frequently uses anti-Muslim rhetoric, and he divorced his wife while she was in the hospital with cancer.

Rudy Guliani.

Rudy Guliani.

Then there’s Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York and potential attorney general. Remember, he believes all of the anti-Trump protesters are “exaggerating” their fears, and he's adamant about putting Hillary Clinton in prison. His message to black people is to be careful of other black people in their neighborhoods because, according to him, they are almost exclusively killing each other. “A black will die 1 percent or less at the hands of the police and 99 percent of the hands of a civilian, most often another black,” he said.

David Clarke.

David Clarke.

And this is David Clarke, potential secretary of homeland security.

So in short, Kanye 2020???